Turkish coffee is prepared with a special saucepan called ibrik ocezve with the base wider than the mouth and a long handle. The coffee used forthis preparation is grounded very fine almost like talcum powder. Theratio between coffee and water is 1/10 i.e. 5 grams of coffee for every 50 ml of water per person. To prepare it, you can follow the procedures provided

1)Pour the water into the ibrik when is boiling, add coffee and sugarand if you want some spices and with a teaspoon mix well, put the ibrik back on the heat;

2) Pour the water into the ibrik and immediately add the coffee, sugar and the spices to the cold water, and place on the heat. When the small cream starting forming and increases in volume we are closeboiling, at this point we can proceed in two ways: serve the drink or after it has cooled a little we put it backon the heat two more times and then we serve. To have deposited on bottom the coffee powder pour a drop of cold water.


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